7 minute read


1. 函数function

  1. 是否有返回值(void)
  2. main()函数
  3. 函数原型,diybke vikyne = cube(side);,函数原型是一条语句,必须以分号结束。一般可以放在头文件中(.h)。函数原型可以确保以下几点:
      • 编译器正确处理函数返回值
      • 编译器检查使用的参数数目是否正确
      • 编译器检查使用的参数类型是否正确
  4. 传递给函数的参数类型和数量(形参)
      • 可以有多个参数,通过逗号分隔
      • 参数的变量名可以和函数原型的不同,而且原型的变量名可以省略void n_chars(char, int);


using namespace std;

void n_chars(char, int);   //函数原型

int main(){
	int times;
	char ch;

	cout << "Enter a character: ";
	cin >> ch;
	while (ch != 'q') {
		cout << "Enter an integer: ";
		cin >> times;
		n_chars(ch, times);   //调用函数
		cout << "\nEnter another character or press the 'q' to quit: ";
		cin >> ch;
	cout << "The value of times is " << times <<endl;
	return 0;

void n_chars(char c, int n) {
	while (n-- > 0)
		cout << c;


Enter a character: a
Enter an integer: 3
Enter another character or press the 'q' to quit: b
Enter an integer: 5
Enter another character or press the 'q' to quit: q
The value of times is 5

1.1. 函数使用指针处理数组

C++将数组名解释为其第一个元素的地址:cookies == &cookies[0]
在C++中,只有用于函数头或者函数原型中,int *arr才等价于int arr[]

例如函数原型: int sum_arr(int *arr, int n)

1.2. 指针和const

  1. 让指针指向一个常量对象,这样可以防止使用该指针修改所指向的值
  2. 将指针本身声明为常量,可以防止改变指针指向的位置
int age = 39;
const int *pt = &age;   //并不意味着指向的值是常量,而是对于pt而言,这个值是常量。即可以通过age改变age的值,但是不能通过pt指针改变它


  1. 可以避免由于无意间修改数据而导致的编程错误
  2. 使用const使得函数能够处理const和非const的实参,否则将只能接收非cosnt数据
int sloth = 3;
const int * ps = &sloth;  //不允许ps来修改sloth的值,但是允许将ps指向另一个位置,即ps不是const,*ps是const
int * const finger = &sloth;  //允许*finger来修改sloth的值,但是finger只能指向sloth,即finger是const,但是*finger不是const
const int * const strick = &sloth;  //strick和*strick都是const

1.3. 函数和字符串


  1. char数组
  2. 用引号括起的字符串常量(也称作字符串字面值)
  3. 被设置为字符串的地址的char指针
char ghost[15] = "galloping";
char * str = "galumphing";
int n1 = strlen(ghost);  //ghost是&ghost[0]
int n2 = strlen(str);  //指向char
int n3 = strelan("gambolling");  //字符串string地址


// strgfun.cpp 
using namespace std;

unsigned int c_in_str(const char * str, char ch);   //只针对非负数

int main() {
	char mmm[15] = "minimum";
	char *wail = "ululate";

	unsigned int ms = c_in_str(mmm, 'm');
	unsigned int us = c_in_str(wail, 'u');
	cout << ms << " m characters in " << mmm <<endl;
	cout << us << " u characters in " << wail <<endl;
	return 0;

unsigned int c_in_str(const char * str, char ch) {
	unsigned int count = 0;

	while (*str) {
		if (*str == ch) count++;
	return count;


3 m characters in minimum
2 u characters in ululate

1.4. 返回字符串的函数




using namespace std;

char * buildstr(char c, int n);

int main() {
	int times;
	char ch;

	cout << "Enter a character: ";
	cin >> ch;

	cout << "Enter an integer: ";
	cin >> times;

	char *ps = buildstr(ch, times);

	cout << "Result is " << ps <<endl;

	delete []ps;
	return 0;

char* buildstr(char c, int n) {
	char * pstr = new char[n+1];

	pstr[n] = '\0';
	while (n-- > 0)
		pstr[n] = c;
	return pstr;


Enter a character: s
Enter an integer: 10
Result is ssssssssss

1.5. 函数和结构



// travel.cpp 

using namespace std;

struct travel_time {
	int hours;
	int mins;

const int Mins_per_hr = 60;

travel_time sum(travel_time tl, travel_time t2);
void show_time(travel_time t);

travel_time sum(travel_time t1, travel_time t2) {
	travel_time total;

	total.mins = (t1.mins + t2.mins) % Mins_per_hr;
	total.hours = t1.hours + t2.hours + (t1.mins + t2.mins) / Mins_per_hr;
	return total;

void show_time(travel_time t) {
	cout << t.hours << " hours, " << t.mins << " minutes\n";	

int main() {
	travel_time day1 = {5, 45};
	travel_time day2 = {4, 55};

	travel_time trip= sum(day1, day2);

	return 0;


10 hours, 40 minutes

1.6. 函数和string对象


// topfive.cpp 

using namespace std;

const int SIZE = 5;

void display(const string sa[], int n);

void display(const string sa[], int n) {
	for (int i =0; i < n; i++)
		cout << i+1 << " : " << sa[i] << endl;

int main(){
	string list[SIZE];
	cout << "Enter your " << SIZE << " favorite astronomical sights: \n";

	for (int i =0; i < SIZE;i++) {
		cout << i+1 << " : ";
		getline(cin, list[i]);

	cout << "Your list : \n";
	display(list, SIZE);
	return 0;


Enter your 5 favorite astronomical sights: 
1 : Peter
2 : Nancy
3 : Good
4 : Wizzie
5 : Jack
Your list :
1 : Peter
2 : Nancy
3 : Good
4 : Wizzie
5 : Jack

1.7. 函数和array对象


void show(std::array<double, 4> da);
void fill(std::array<double, 4> *pa);


// arrobj.cpp 
using namespace std;

const int Seasons = 4;
const array<string, Seasons> snames = {"spring", "summer", "fall", "winter"};

void fill(array<double, Seasons> *pa);
void show(array<double, Seasons> da);

void fill(array<double, Seasons> *pa) {
	for (int i = 0; i < Seasons; i++) {
		cout << "Enter " << snames[i] << " expenses: ";
		cin >> (*pa)[i];

void show(array<double, Seasons> da) {
	double total = 0.0;
	cout << "\nExpenses\n";
	for (int i =0; i<Seasons; i++) {
		cout << snames[i] << " : $" << da[i] << endl;
		total += da[i];
	cout << "Total Expenses : $" << total <<endl;

int main() {
	array<double, Seasons> expenses;
	return 0;


因为array模板类是C++11新增,所以编译命令: g++-5 arrobj.cpp -std=c++11

Enter spring expenses: 212
Enter summer expenses: 256
Enter fall expenses: 208
Enter winter expenses: 244

spring : $212
summer : $256
fall : $208
winter : $244
Total Expenses : $920

2. 递归


void resurs(argumentlist) {
  if (test)



// recur.h 
void countdown(int n);


// recur.cpp 
#include "recur.h"
using namespace std;

//void countdown(int n);

int main() {
	return 0;

void countdown(int n) {
	cout << "Counting down ..." << n <<endl;
	if (n > 0)
	cout << n << " : Kaboom!\n";


Counting down ...10
Counting down ...9
Counting down ...8
Counting down ...7
Counting down ...6
Counting down ...5
Counting down ...4
Counting down ...3
Counting down ...2
Counting down ...1
Counting down ...0
0 : Kaboom!
1 : Kaboom!
2 : Kaboom!
3 : Kaboom!
4 : Kaboom!
5 : Kaboom!
6 : Kaboom!
7 : Kaboom!
8 : Kaboom!
9 : Kaboom!
10 : Kaboom!

3. 函数指针


3.1. 释义


  • 获取函数的地址


process(think);   //传递地址
thought(think()); //传递返回值
  • 声明函数指针

声明指向某种数据类型的指针时,必须指定指针指向的类型。同样,声明指向函数的指针时,必须指定指针指向的函数类型。 即声明应该像函数原型那样指出有关函数的信息。


double pam(int);  //函数原型

double (*pf)(int);  //如果(*pf)是函数,pf就是函数指针

double *pf(int);  //返回double指针

pf = pam;  //pf指向pam函数,但是要注意参数类型必须相同
  • 使用指针来调用函数
doubld pam(int);
double (*pf)(int);

pt = pam;   //pf指向pam()函数

double x = pam(4);
double y = (*pf)(5);  //(1) 等价,调用pam(5)

double y = pf(5);  //(2) 也可以调用函数指针指向的pam函数,但是没有第一种易懂


// fun_ptr.cpp 

double betsy(int);
double pam(int);
void estimate(int lines, double (*pf)(int));

using namespace std;

double betsy(int lns) {
	return 0.05 * lns;

double pam(int lns) {
	return 0.03 * lns + 0.0004 * lns * lns;

void estimate(int lines, double (*pf)(int)) {   //函数指针
	cout << lines << " lines will take";
	cout << (*pf)(lines) << " hours\n";

int main() {
	int code;
	cout << "How many lines of code do you need?"<<endl;
	cin >> code;
	cout << "Here is Betsy's estimate:\n";
	estimate(code, betsy);   //入参函数名
	cout << "Here is Pam's estimage:\n";
	estimate(code, pam);
	return 0;


How many lines of code do you need?
Here is Betsy's estimate:
6 lines will take0.3 hours
Here is Pam's estimage:
6 lines will take0.1944 hours

3.2. 案例

const double * f0(const double ar[], int);
const double * f1(const double [], int);
const double * f2(const double * , int);   //这三种表达方式相同

const double * (*pa)(const double *, int);
const double * (*pa)(const double *, int) = f1;
auto p2 = f2;  //也是函数指针


// arfupt.cpp 
using namespace std;

const double * f1 (const double ar[], int n);
const double * f2 (const double [], int);
const double * f3 (const double *, int);

const double * f1(const double * ar, int n) {
	return ar;

const double * f2(const double  ar[], int n) {
        return ar+1;

const double * f3(const double ar[], int n) {
        return ar+2;

int main() {
	double av[3] = {1.2, 2.3, 3.4};

	const double *(*p1)(const double *, int ) = f1;

	auto p2 = f2;

	cout << "Using pointers to functions:\n";
	cout << "Address Vaule\n";
	cout << (*p1)(av, 3) << " : " << *(*p1)(av, 3) <<endl;
	cout << p2(av, 3) << " : " << *p2(av, 3) <<endl;

	const double *(*pa[3])(const double *, int) = {f1, f2, f3};
	auto pb = pa;
	cout << "\nUsing pointers to functions:\n";
	cout << "Address Value\n";
	for (int i = 0; i<3; i++)
		cout << pa[i](av, 3) << " : " << *pa[i](av,3) <<endl;
	cout << "\nUsing pointers to functions:\n";
        cout << "Address Value\n";
	for (int i = 0; i<3; i++)
                cout << pb[i](av, 3) << " : " << *pb[i](av,3) <<endl;

	auto pc = &pa;
        cout << (*pc)[0](av,3) << " : " << *(*pc)[0](av,3) <<endl;

	return 0;


Using pointers to functions:
Address Vaule
0x7ffef6915240 : 1.2
0x7ffef6915248 : 2.3

Using pointers to functions:
Address Value
0x7ffef6915240 : 1.2
0x7ffef6915248 : 2.3
0x7ffef6915250 : 3.4

Using pointers to functions:
Address Value
0x7ffef6915240 : 1.2
0x7ffef6915248 : 2.3
0x7ffef6915250 : 3.4
0x7ffef6915240 : 1.2

4. typedef关键字简化

除了auto,C++11提供了typedef穿件类型别名,typedef double real;

typedef const double *(*p_fun)(const douvle *, int);   //p_fun现在是一个类型名称(别名)
p_fun p1 = f1;  //p1指向f1()函数

p_fun pa[3] = {f1, f2 ,f3};  //pa是一个指向三个函数的函数指针
p_fun (*pd)[3] = &pa;  //pd指向一个包含三个函数指针的数组

5. 小结

  • 函数必须提供定义和原型,并且调用该函数
  • 函数原型描述了函数的接口:入参的数目和类型、返回类型
  • 默认情况,C++函数按值传递参数,意味着函数定义中的形参是新的变量,被初始化为函数调用所提供的值。因此通过使用拷贝保护了原始数据的完整性
  • C++将数组名参数视为数组第一个元素的地址,typename arr[]typename * arr是等价的
  • C++提供三种表示C风格字符串的方法:字符数组、字符串常量、字符串指针,类型都是char*
  • C++提供string类,用于表示字符串,使用size()用于判断存储的字符串的长度
  • 处理结构的方式和基本类型完全相同,可以按值传递结构,并将其用作函数返回类型。如果结构非常大,则传递结构指针,同时函数能够使用原始数据
  • 支持递归
  • 函数名和函数地址的作用相同。通过函数指针作为参数,可以传递要调用的函数的名称

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